Surface Mounted Horizontal Baby Change Station - Stainless Steel


Material Exterior clad in Stainless Steel
Hi-density bacteria resistant Polyethylene interior
Finish Stainless Steel
Specify ML8200_SM
Dimensions Stand-off Closed: 905mmW x 520mmH x 104mmD
Open: 900mmW x 520mmH x 499mmD
Features Concave change area
Safety restraining strap fitted with click lock mechanism
Dual bed liner dispensers
Robust, Vandal resistant construction
Pneumatic internal Open/Close arm
Bag Holders on Front Corners
Usage instructions and safety label inside unit
Suitable for up to 20kg use
 * This unit is accessible compliant when installed in accordance with AS1428.1. guidelines.
*It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the surface/substrate that the unit is installed upon is suitable to withstand the weight bearing loads of the unit and if required as per AS1428 / Australian building code regulations. 

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